Follow My Blog Post WordPress Plugin Free Download

Free Download Follow My Blog Post WordPress Plugin

Today we have shared Follow My Blog Post WordPress Plugin for free download to everyone. Follow My Blog Post plugin allows your visitors to follow changes on your site for particular post, page, category, tags, authors etc. This plugin works seamlessly with WooComerce Easy Digital Downloads , bbPress, BuddyPress, Elementor and many more.

Follow My Blog Post WordPress Plugin Free Download

Follow My Blog Post Features

  • 9.Visitors can opt to follow the post, page, category, tags, authors etc with or without creating a user account.
  • Visitors can unfollow any post, page, category, tags, authors etc at any time using a link from email or from website via unfollow button.
  • Followed posts displayed with number of unique visitors following the post.
  • Administrative panel to view page/post wise followers, Terms wise followers and Authors wise followers with option to disable the follow for any follower.
  • Ability to send confirmation email for the actions like subscription and unsubscription.
  • Ability to send email notifications for any new post added in defined category or tags, edit any post/page or comment added on any post.
  • Each post, page, or custom post type on your blog have individual settings in Metabox to disable follow button or disable Email notification for particular post and have options to set different email template for new post, edit post and comment notification.

Follow My Blog Post WordPress Plugin v2.0.3

  • Fix: Fixed compatibility issues with WordPress 5.5.1.
  • New: Removed the use of session from the plugin.
  • New: The plugin code optimized.
  • New: Added a compatibility with WordPress 5.4
  • Fix: Fixed compatibility issue with Elementer plugin.

Follow My Blog Post WordPress Plugin Free Download Links


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This website is not sharing themes by cloning or cracking. We respect the GNU General Public License (GPL) and the hard work of the theme creator. On this website, we share that link those are already stored somewhere else on the internet and are not a part of this website. Our website does not carry any responsibility for them. If your copyrighted material has been indexed by our site and you want this material to be removed then contact us immediately. We will remove it in 48 hours
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